Os ydych yn chwilio am gymorth uniongyrchol a thriniaeth strwythuredig ar gyfer cyffuriau neu alcohol, llenwch y ffurflen isod i wneud atgyfeiriad.
or Home Number
If yes please give details
Dependents or pregnant - please enter the information for each child
Reason for referral:
Primary Substance:
Orally, inject, sniff, etc.
Secondary Substance:
Tertiary Substance
(Childcare, female/male worker, level & frequency of support)
In person at a GDAS office / via video call / by phone/ via online courses / other (please specify):
(if known)
If yes please give details:
(if yes please give details)
Please confirm any details of intentional overdose (approx dates, substance, were you admitted to hospital?)
(approx dates, substance, were you admitted to hospital?)
(Hep B, Hep C, HIV, STI’s)?
(opiate use only) (Check in date)
(offence within the past 6 months for CJ Criteria)
(please tick)
(if ticked above)
(Please send with referral)
(please give details)
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